People that leave you in BATHTUB

How low is your bathtub?
People come into our lives with different attitudes, different world views, different goals. As a person who is ‘lucky’ to be born with overly friendly nature, I know how painful it can be to let a wrong person inside. How at times unbearable is to see someone you considered your friend and your ally turning out to be nothing more but a toxic root that all this time was poisoning your life.
I’m sure you’ve met people who, whether intentionally or not, make you feel low. They drain you, discourage you, set you into a mindset that makes the world around you look as hopeless as never before. Slowly your life turns as cold as at the bottom of a bathtub. But the worst, you never know why.
As social creatures, even the most introverted of us cannot exist completely outside of society. Even if most of the time we spend alone in the solitude of our apartment, art, thoughts, dreams, and even fears, we still need each other for a healthy full life.
We all need someone to look up to, someone we can talk to and share ideas. We need people in our lives in order to grow as human beings. Locking door, turning off phone, and drawning curtains is not how we are supposed to live our lives. At first it may seem safe, even necessary for survival, but in truth, it is nothing more than a senseless refusal from life.
We walk up and up
This ladder of life
And it’s our job
To say no each time
Someone pulls us back.
If You feel like a piece of shit, it does not mean that’s who you are.
Low self-esteem, self-doubt, animal fear of speaking up, of being yourself, depression, low energy, etc., are the children of our interaction with wrong people. They are masters at wearing disguise. They pretend to be our friends, they dress up their toxic words with smiles, faking good intentions. But all they really do is destroying our lives.
It’s time to say NO.
You have a choice. You have the right to choose your friends and even your enemies, and by neglecting this inborn right you’re simply refusing to take responsibility for your life. Saying no to people who are not bringing anything good in your life does not make you a bad person.
There is no use in being a noble friend for every foe in the world. Trust me.
Of course, there are times, saying no is not an option: you cannot say no to your boss, for example. But it does not mean you’re powerless. These people are the signs to us that maybe we’re not living the truth purpose of our lives, maybe, we’ve picked a wrong road and heading South when what we need is to head West.
There is little coincidence about things that happen in our lives.
We just have to keep our eyes opened.
My appreciations to each and every of you.